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At Montpac, we take great pride in delivering precise, enlightening, and actionable reports tailored to enhance your business acumen. Our meticulous financial projections align seamlessly with GAAP accounting principles, serving as invaluable assets for your fundraising endeavours and as reliable monthly budget-to-actual performance reports for your team and board of directors.
Our ongoing services include:

Accurate financial projections are essential to startup success.
We begin by leveraging our proprietary templates, before tailoring them to align seamlessly with your unique financial framework. Frequently, we integrate your pre-existing forecasts into our well-established GAAP models. This process incorporates key metrics and OKRs to illustrate your advancement in optimizing efficiencies during your growth journey. The development of precise financial projections serves as a pivotal component in shaping your capital strategy, conducting thorough fundraising due diligence, and facilitating ongoing board reporting.